Sexual offender residency restrictions: unscientific, wasteful, useless.
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Did You Know? How an 11-year Old Boy Ended up on the Sex Offender Registry
At least 27 states and one territory require that juveniles must register if they commit a sex offense for which an adult in the same jurisdiction would be required to register. 37 states reserve registration […]
Did You Know? Families are Often Separated by Registry Law Without Regard to the Registrant’s Risk.
The families of registrants are often torn apart by existing registries laws and residency restrictions. Even worse, this is done without regard to the original crime, the sentence imposed by the courts, or even the […]
Did You Know? There is International Debate on the Human Rights Abuses of Sex Offender Registries!
Coming to terms with best practices for handling those who have committed sexual offenses isn’t just an American issue, it’s a global issue. As governments around the world debate how to move forward, we would […]