Did You Know?

Did You Know? Her Father’s Sex Crime 25 Years Ago Nearly Prevented this Woman from Adopting a Child!
The Sexual Offense Registry not only impacts those who are listed on it in a negative way, but it can far reaching and lasting impacts on those closest to them – sometimes in ways you […]

Did You Know? This Registrant has Become an Author, Mentor, and Tai Chi Instructor! Paul’s Story
With so many horror stories being told about life on the Sexual Offense Registry, we decided it was time for some success stories! Paul and how he’s in improving his life by helping others by […]

Did You Know? Visiting FL as a Registrant Can Put You on Their Registry Forever – Even After Death!
Going on vacation is supposed to be fun, with lasting memories. These were not the kind of memories John wanted for a lifetime! Some states require you to register if you are in the state […]

Did You Know? Woman Lost Custody of her Child for Letting her Registered BF Watch Him. No Harm Done.
A mother leaves her child in the care of her boyfriend, a person on the registry, and the child is taken from her by the state because the law assumes that all registrants are a […]

Did You Know? Families are Often Separated by Registry Law Without Regard to the Registrant’s Risk.
The families of registrants are often torn apart by existing registries laws and residency restrictions. Even worse, this is done without regard to the original crime, the sentence imposed by the courts, or even the […]
Registry Talk

Lives on the Registry: From Nurse to Artist, Cynthia C’s Story
Cynthia tells how her faith helped both her and her husband cope with his being on the registry, and to know that people can be redeemed. Although they have faced evictions, death threats, and other […]

Lives on the Registry: “There is Forgiveness”: The Jon C Story
Jon C. is the leader of New Name Ministries in Texas and a registrant on the sexual offense registry. He and his wife Cynthia are working hard at building a beautiful life, as well as […]

Lives on the Registry: “I’m not the monster my criminal record makes me out to be.” – David M Story
David M shares his experiences of living on the registry, the therapeutic power of pets, and his personal connection to a major historical event. His story is illustrative of how technical violations often lead to […]

Lives on the Registry: “When I got out, I was scared. My family was scared.” – Scott’s Story
Scott’s story reminds us that there is life after coming out of prison. People on the sexual offense registry have many restrictions put on them, lose support of family members, and worry about being publicly […]

Lives on the Registry: “I wanted to make a difference!” – Philip’s Story
Philip K. is a retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer and registered citizen living in West Virginia. He has an impactful story and believes that; “stories are the art of our lives.” For the past […]

Victor P
I served a little over two years in federal prison for three separate sex offenses. It was due to a long-term addiction I suffered through for about 20 years before I was arrested. I was […]

John J
I am happily married and have one wonderful child. For most of my adult life I have been an information technology professional, endurance athlete and musician. My wife and I have shared many adventures such […]

Jon C
Today I’m a pastor running a community safe residential re-entry program for sex offenders. We have grown from a fledgling pioneer in sex offender re-entry to a well-respected organization recognized as experts in sex offender […]

Michael A
As a registered citizen I was concerned about being on a public registry for life. I was concerned that I would be harassed at home and/or my vehicle would be vandalized. Fortunately, I have not […]

Mark T
When my sister called to tell me that our 77-year-old father was a sex offender, I immediately rushed to my parents’ house with my usual knee-jerk savior response. I had only a few minutes to […]
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