Sexual offender residency restrictions: unscientific, wasteful, useless.
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Did You Know? This Registrant has Become an Author, Mentor, and Tai Chi Instructor! Paul’s Story
With so many horror stories being told about life on the Sexual Offense Registry, we decided it was time for some success stories! Paul and how he’s in improving his life by helping others by […]

Did You Know? NARSOL Comms Dir. Tells KMZU Radio, “The Registry is the Exact Opposite of Effective!”
KMZU news anchor Matt Griffith in Missouri interviews NARSOL Board Member and Communications Director Sandy R. about the registry.

Did You Know? How the Adam Walsh Act Adversely Affects International Marriages
In this video, we tell the real-life story of James and Jill, a couple whose international marriage (Australia – United States) was ripped apart by the US government’s misguided efforts to “protect” Jill from someone […]