There Are Nearly 1 Million Americans on a Sex Offense Registry. These Are Their Stories.

Michael A

Michael A
Michael A

As a registered citizen I was concerned about being on a public registry for life. I was concerned that I would be harassed at home and/or my vehicle would be vandalized. Fortunately, I have not had any personal safety issues.

After my conviction I was able to get a job driving airport limos and shuttles in my area. After I had sufficient money saved I began taking weekly classes to get my CDL Class A license.

Obtaining my CDL Class A license led to securing a job driving trucks across country in a team operation. I had concerns my co-workers would learn of my registered status and that would put my job at risk. I am pleased to say that as of the date of this story I haven’t had any issues! Still I didn’t want to leave it to chance so I decided it was best to disclose to my supervisor. I had a brief conversation with my supervisor who told me that he was already aware of my situation and that he didn’t have any concerns. Now I am one of their best employees and a senior trainer making 60 cents a mile which is excellent in the industry. There are only 2 other drivers that make as much as me.

I still have concerns about driving through other states. On my first trip I was pulled over by the police in Colorado. In a commercial vehicle you can be stopped for any reason. The officer politely told me he was just doing a safety check and making sure I had chains for the truck tires. The officer took my license information and filled out a report saying he did the check and I was gone in 15 minutes.

Next, my trainee had a mechanical failure in Nebraska, and the officer wanted to see both of our licenses. I was put in the front seat of the patrol car and told they know about my previous charges. I was concerned, and I asked the officer if there was any problem. He told me he just had to write a report stating he had contact with me and then we were free to go after the repair was made.

The job I have does not work well with a family setting. I would love to have someone to come home to but with driving cross-country it is just not in the picture right now. I do have some friends and I even have contact with a few people I knew in prison.

I have a weird sense of satisfaction knowing that after being out for only 3 years I am making more than all but the most senior corrections staff that I had to deal with for all that time. I enjoy my job. I get to see new places even though I am still limited due to the registry. Next, I will try for my HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials And iTems) and TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) endorsement. With that I may be able to drive locally and have a better family life.

I am thankful that I have been able to move forward and have been able to build a new life.

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Did You Know? 14-yr old Boy Put on the Sex Offender Registry for Sex With His 13-yr old Girlfriend!

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  1. I am an example of a positive life that can still be had even while on the Registry. I served one year in Federal prison and 10 years of probation (2.5 remaining). My employer has been incredibly supportive along with my family. I had some struggles keeping my professional licenses but I still have them and am still able to work in my profession. I have never really had any issues with harrassment or discrimination. Best advice? Be honest! if you are straight with people I have found them to be understanding.

  2. Great to hear Michael. My husband is currently incarcerated on a SO charge. I pray his opportunities come about like yours but he will be mid 70’s upon release. I wish you the very best.

  3. We r waiting for the 11 the circuit Court of appeals to rule on a case: McGuire v strange
    Sex offended case
    Issue of ex post facto
    Been pending 3 yrs now
    Continue to pray for you n us
    That it affects in Alabama, Florida,n Georgia!!

  4. Great story i am so happy for you. I use to drive truck for 13 years loved it. I am married now to my beautiful wife we both work at Tyson Foods. I’m mainly there because i love spending time with my wife, we commute together and work the same hours. I know i can make more money driving trucks but i’ve been doing this manual labor job and gotten real good at it. One of these days i will get into truck driving again i was very good at it also vans,doubles,step deck. God willing this registry will be stricken down one of these days. Certain individuals in power who have put out the fallacy that once one commits a sexual offense that said individual cannot change for the better and needs to be monitored for the rest of their life is plain wrong. Peace out and God bless.

  5. Michael,

    Your story brought a little hope back to my spirit. Earlier today, after getting a rejection from a trucking company, (due to being on the registery), I started digging deeper into the problem and realized that most of the major trucking companies won’t accept registered so’s. I had spent months failing and retaking the cdl test, spending countless hours, practicing and practicing to finally passing and becoming excited about a good paying job finally becoming a reality.
    By the end of the day I am emotionally spent. I was going from one thing to another on the internet, trying to find some avenue of hope, when I came across the acronym NARSOL…
    which led to your story. I just needed a positive light today, and your story gave me that. Thank you.
    My crime was committed in 2002. I was in a severely dysfunctional marriage, oversexed, addicted to internet porn, and crossed a boundary that I knew was wrong. I completely own my actions.
    The majority of my life has been made up of positive choices. I served 13 honorable years in the Navy, infraction free. I had never been in trouble with the law until 2002 or after my release
    From prison in 2009. I have always had a strong work ethic and having the ability to earn an honest living has been a fundamental need for me, as it is for most of us.
    The sites I had visited before I semi
    Hastily choose a career in trucking all had major companies willing to hire felons on review with most asking for a 5-10 year gap. There were a few that openly stated about not hiring so’s, but the majority looked promising. I have a class A Licence no exp with companies. If you Mike, (or anyone on this site) can give me some leads or pointers, I would be forever grateful.
    Thanks again for your hopeful story!


    1. I have been driving for 6 years after being on the registry. My suggestion would be to look for small trucking companies oh, I like rock hauling or things like that. Those jobs suck. But if you’re willing to put in a year or so then you can start moving up to other small companies that will do better and let you drive over the road.. By the time you have in 5 to 7 years you will also have a good amount of driving experience.

      1. After reading all the other comments something I forgot to add that I have done when going for another trucking company is to BE HONEST!! I know it stinks to be denied because of being on the registry. But dealing with it up front is better than getting the job and constantly being worried that you’ll come back from a run and be fired on the spot for not being honest on the application.

  6. Hey Michael,

    I’m glad to hear of a true success story. I know you wrote this awhile ago so I hope things are still going great. Keep up the great work! It’s folks like you that are out their that are changing people perceptions of us all.

  7. I am interested in how your HAZMAT goes. I took some CDL classes and was told that felons are restricted from that license. Maybe just here in Alabama?

    1. I drive tanker with HazMat endorsement. I have for 6 years now. I called DOT CDL about who was not able to get HazMat endorsement. SOs do not come up as a restricted person. I would do some more double-checking.

  8. I am not a trucker but let me tell a story how the Wisconsin DOC used deception to help land me a job. I took a vocational crash coarse in CNC that was backed by then governor Scott Walker. After being released, I went to Wisconsin’s workforce development via the welfare office (conditions of welfare). The DWD set me up with a guy to get my resume in order. I had a 6 year gap in my employment (prison) so the established a reference with a person in Madison on who was in the DOC administration. She was to vouch for me in case a prospective employer should call. I put on my resume that I had been working for a psuedo company for 6 years on my resume! Long story short, I got the job and definitely DID NOT have six years experience in machining…lol It just goes to show how much a politician will push his/her agenda. My advice to anyone being released from prison is to be aware of what’s going on with the politics of things. I didn’t need a new trade skill but I saw that ole Scotty was wheeling and dealing with Wisconsin state manufacturing companies to fill jobs. I don’t like his policies but he did help me. The company I work for definitely did a background check but HR has kept my record discrete and my agent keeps her nose out of my workplace. Gotta love politics when it’s working for you…?

  9. I am curious how to get into trucking, I was always told no one would hire a S.O. to drive truck so I never looked into it. It would be a perfect job.

    1. Most mainstream large companies frown on hiring felons.they go to places that felons can’t go to like federal facilities out of country and they want to be able to dispatch a drive to go where ever . The good news is that the majority of Trucking companies are small businesses. Long haul Trucking is a prison in it self.keep it between the lines etc.but anyone who makes it out of prison can Excell in Trucking.You have special skills now if you know it or not. It’s about chair (,time) slot of ex offenders drive trucks …you can get in the business local by working a cold storage those jobs are always around because nobody likes the cold .then you become their local driver by saving money and going to a school or if they like you they will train you.most towns all cities have cold storages.also moving companies are always looking for movers same strategy will apply. Am a retired driver 30 yrs 3.5 million miles on paper.if anyone who sees this needs help getting started feel free to email me . I will help all I can.Trucking for me was a cross.but if you keep your nose clean make a plan and stick to it you will make it…best wishes .Woop Woop..

      1. This is not true as I and Michael can attest.
        I help other registered persons find work in the trucking industry
        Perhaps Michael can pay it forward and help others on the registry.. if anyone here does not consider us to be family, Then you don’t have a family. I have a good idea who Michael drives for. He is not the first registrant to work there and he is one of many there. I was first to have a gps way back in 2006. Ask Curtis .

  10. Great Job Mike
    Your another trucker like myself who found freedom on the open road.
    Always be available to help other registrants get into trucking when possible as its one of the few places where we are left alone.

  11. God Bless you Michael! With your positive attitude and successful mind-set I’m sure everything will work out the way you wish. Thank you for your story. It helps to ease my anxious feelings for my son who will be released within 3 years and must register. Thank you again.

  12. Good for you michael,gainig your cdl was a positive move in gaing employment. I have had mine for 23 years and despite being on the registry i have a great paying job because of it.Its nice to see success stories in amongst all the sad ones on here.. Good luck in your future trucking indevers

  13. Thank you Michael A. Sometimes with the sea of negative, sad or scary life stories it’s enlightening and give those some hope who are on or will be on the dreaded registry.
    I’m happy that you are making lemonade out of the lemons life has handed you. Congrats. Keep up the good work.

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